sercom canobi partnership



SERCOM is an international leader in developing innovative regulation systems for irrigation, providing the best solutions for applications in the tropics to the polar circle. Since 1984, SERCOM has been supplying the international horticulture industry with climate control systems and automation solutions, including “cleverly designed” electronics and computers for process automation in greenhouses, bulb sheds, and refrigerated storage units. The company’s product portfolio consists of process computers and accessory equipment, as well as software and technical solutions for optimizing the regulation process.

canobi agtech sercom

We share SERCOM’s commitment to developing sustainable solutions for the horticultural industry. This commitment also applies to the automation of irrigation units and climate control in greenhouses, bulb sheds, and storage cells. We know first-hand that, when developing their products, SERCOM puts sustainability into practice. Characterized by a long lifespan, it is not unusual for a SERCOM process computer to still be operational after more than 30 years.

Canobi Partnered With SERCOM to Develop CANalytics

CANalytics brings the power of Canobi’s Canobi.ONE software platform to Sercom’s industry-leading process computers. CANalytics provides advanced automation, real-time notifications and reporting, business tools (including stock-keeping, accounting, human resources, and more), and seamless integration with more than 100 different types of sensors. This enables new and existing customers of SERCOM to access Canobi’s innovative information, reporting, and business tools without having to change supplier(s).

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Smart, Predictable, Farm Management



+1 (431) 430-1347
17725 Robinson Corner Rd.
Maxville, Ontario